Friday, May 29, 2009

Testing webservice- Simplified with SoapUI

Testing webservice during development time can be tedious. Thanks to SoapUI, not anymore. It’s a free tool (I have not used the pro version, very happy with the free version itself) where you can create a SOAP request, send it to your webservice and see the response. The steps are very simple ->
  • Import the WSDL
  • Create your test suite
  • Drag the requests to the test suite
  • Enter the input values in the request (in XML format)
  • Execute the test case and you will see the response in the XML format

During development time, I found it very convenient to use for unit testing. Once you exposed an API, export the new WSDL and test is for all possible inputs. Once you create the test cases, you can save it with the SoapUI project to use later.

You can use SoapUI for functional testing as well by combining different requests in the same test case. You can also write your test client in Groovy script.

I think it is a great tool for webservice developers for unit testing and recommend you to try if you have not already.


  1. It's not clear.
    How can we test the application?

  2. can you throw light on how to data parametrize the input values of the request? will be helpful

  3. With SOPAUI Pro version, you can read test data to SOAPUI properties from an external data storage (DB, XML or Excel etc). You can use soapui properties in requests, scripts or xpath queries etc. The tutoarial at has step by step instruction to create data driven test cases. Hope this helps.


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